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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Signs of Days Goneby

Historic buildings in Hopkinsville, KY

Ghost paintings on an old building in Hopkinsville, KY
Old painted sign at delivery door, Hopkinsville, KY

I took these photos today in downtown Hopkinsville. The old advertising signs for the Forbes Mfg. Co., Mogul wagons, buggies, garden seeds, etc. are painted on the east side of one of the taller downtown buildings. I think the building was part of the Cayce Yost department store complex, and apparently it belonged to the Forbes Brothers before that.

Cayce Yost (where draymen should ring for service at the back loading dock) thrived on Main Street for decades. In the early 1990's when we moved to Christian County, the Cayce Yost store was in its death throes. I bought a stove-top coffee percolator at the going-out-of-business sale.

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