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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

A Block of East 16th Street

Life in Christian County, Kentucky... History and Old Stuff...

Looking west on 16th Street

These big two-story houses on 16th Street, just east of First Baptist Church in Hopkinsville, have seen better days. When they were built, they were just as fine as their well preserved sisters on Main Street a block away, but lately they haven't received the care they need. It seems likely that they have been downgraded from owners' residences to rental houses. Still, it looks like someone is getting ready to work on one of them -- that's good!

Lone Oak, built in 1834-35 by Judge Joseph B. Crockett

Lone Oak, built in the 1830s for Judge Joseph B. Crockett, is usually considered Hopkinsville's oldest house. I have read speculation on a local internet forum that Hopkinsville might have old cabins enclosed within old houses that predate Lone Oak, at least in the cabin part. However, no specific examples were given to support the theory.

Lone Oak stands on the SW corner of East 16th and Clay. used to have a restaurant in it, but it is currently standing empty. As with many old houses, some people enjoy saying that it is haunted. Ivy has overgrown a tree on the front lawn.

At the NW corner of 16th and Clay

Across the street from Lone Oak, this yellow house faces south. It has received some upkeep in recent years and it's the best preserved house on the block. It was offered for sale by the owner several years ago, and some interesting details about the house were cited in newspaper advertisements. I remember that it has a pantry and built-in curio cabinets and bookcases. Different variations of the ad appeared over several months, and I was intrigued enough that I finally drove down East 16th Street just to see which house it was.

I took these photos this morning on my walk, and as you can see, the skies are gray today.


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    actually the oldest home in hopkinsville/Christian county is on sivley rd. it was built about 20years before the homes you are talking about. the land around walmart was a plantation at one point and there are actually a few somewhat spooky things that happen back here. nothing dangerous, just unnerving

  2. I know the big old house that you are talking about -- straight west of the traffic light at WalMart. I am sure that it was beautiful there when the land was still farmed. I can't help feeling sorry that fine, fine farmland has now become a housing development.

  3. Hey "G": I'm here via my sitemeter with a link back to your most excellent of efforts! That new top banner is almost impossible to do any better with the exception of some future reflections in rain water backin'up in the far fields :) Jo Anne is coming along very well and it will be 2 wks this Friday. Thanks for your prayers, Sincerely, kfH(:-))

  4. I'm glad to hear that she is doing well, Kenneth. Take care of yourself, too, OK?

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I grew up in Bowling Green and remember as a child my favorite restaurant was called The Lone Oak. We drove "out in the country" to get to it and I always wanted to go there for my birthday. Was this called "The Lone Oak" when it was a restaurant? I am trying to find out if my parents remember the name of the town the restaurant we went to was in. Thank you!

  6. I'm not sure what the restaurant was called, but it is in a town (Hopkinsville), not out in the country. From Bowling Green, you would have driven down Highway 68/80 for about an hour.

  7. P.S. I think it was a restaurant for a year or two, only. If anyone knows differently, please correct me.

  8. The restaurant that Anonymous is talking about was in Bowling Green--way out on Scottsdale Road and was called The Lone Oak. I graduated from Western Ky and my best friend is from Hopkinsville, so I'm sure that it wasn't there. It just seemed like a different town, because it was way out in the country in the middle of nowhere, and the trip is always longer as a kid who is hungry. Best food, ever. I wish it was still open, because I could use a piece of their "meal pie" that they had. Thanks for the memories.

  9. Billy Siniard12:23 AM

    Lone Oak was many different restaurants around the 1970s Into the 80s.

    First Crocketts, then Lone Oak Restaurant and finally Leonardo's - a number of others in between.


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