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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Sleep More Important Than Diet For Weight Control

Some Interesting News...

Medical News Today, by Christian Nordqvist
24 May 2006 - 9:00am (PDT)

If you manage to get a good night's sleep on a regular basis your chances of staying slim or becoming slimmer are significantly higher, say researchers from Care Western University, Ohio, USA, after monitoring nearly 70,000 women for over a decade and-a-half. This is the largest study ever to examine the effects of sleep on weight over the long-term.

What constitutes a good night's sleep? For this study, the researchers observed the effect sleeping five or fewer hours regularly has on a woman's weight over the medium and long term. They compared them to women who managed to regularly get 7 hours' sleep each night.

First blood pressure and now weight control. Looks like it would probably do me good to go to bed earlier (or sleep later.)

1 comment:

  1. F***ing Hell!

    I'll need to sleep for at least two years continuously then :-D


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