Blog Pages

Thursday, June 22, 2006

First Days of Summer

Summer whitesSummer whitesWinding roadLong and winding road...

Shelf fungiShelf fungiPetuniasBright midday sun

Across the ravineLooking across 
the ravine
CornfieldOur neighbor's corn crop 
is looking good.

New Ebenezer ChurchNew Ebenezer ChurchTobacco barn and flowersCorner of a tobacco barn

Milkweed blossomsMilkweed blossoms, 
lovely fragrance
Hayes RoadHayes Road through
Honey Grove Hollow


  1. I like the photos.

  2. Thank you for posting these beautiful scenes. You inspire me.

  3. Love the photos. It is hard to pick a favorite, but I think mine is the corner of the tobacco barn. But then there's the long and winding road...

  4. I don't know that any one of the photos is that spectacular, but I do like how they looked lined up together on the page. They look green -- like summer.

  5. The long and winding road is my favorite. I am always looking for what lies over the next hill or around the corner !


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