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Monday, June 12, 2006

A Thicket of Wild Roses

Life in Christian County, Kentucky... The Rural Life... More About Trees and Plants...

Wild Roses
Wild roses along the lane.

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  1. Ah!! I've been wondering if we have those here! I saw such beautiful clusters of these along the roads in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania when we were up that way in May! I'd love to add some to my back yard if it's a native plant!

    Thanks for the pic!


  2. You have such a beautiful countryside. Keep photographing it!

  3. WIP, I think this is "pasture rose", as opposed to "prairie rose" which is another native wild rose seen across much of the U.S.

    There's also a multiflora rose that's often seen growing wild. It's pretty, but non-native and very invasive. Some places it gets to be quite a problem.

    John, I have been slacking off a little on posting photos. Thanks for the encouragement! :)


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