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Friday, September 29, 2006

One Dozen Reasons I Don't Like to Go to the Dentist

And What I Think About It...

1.  The receptionist has perfect, dazzling white teeth.
2.  As I wait, traumatized survivors emerge.
3.  The drill's whine is heard throughout the building.
4.  My shoes are on exhibit when I sit in the dentist chair.
5.  The dentist calls me and everyone else "Dear".
6.  They ask me questions with their hands in my mouth.
7.  My death grip on the chair arms is tiring.
8.  They spray ice water on fillings that aren't numb.
9.  They want me to open just a little wider.
10. I don't speak clearly when my tongue is 2 inches thick.
11. I really don't want another appointment.
12. They want money (and plenty of it!) for this torture.

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  1. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a great day.

  2. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Gennie - Happy Birthday - sounds like you have a busy day ahead. Appropo the dentist - borrow Isaac's IPOD or CD player with headphones - it reduces the stress considerably - Kathy

  3. Thanks, ladies. I've been celebrating by napping on the sofa all afternoon. Ah, the bliss.


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