Blog Pages

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sewing Links

My Various Hobbies...

This link leads to an article that contains a number of useful and interesting sewing links. I'm posting it for anyone who likes to sew and especially for Trixie who is getting back into sewing recently.

Sew Now What


  1. Hi Gen.
    I saw the sewing post and I was going to leave a wry (humorous) comment saying: "First time I've ever logged on and you've got nothing for me."
    Then I read all the other posts.
    Ya still got the magic!

  2. I'm always glad when you stop by, James. But I have to confess -- on days when I have to get up too early, the magic does flicker a little. ;)

  3. Oh how I wish I could sew! I received a sewing machine for Christmas when I was 16 and I still have it - I only used it a couple of times (shameful - but true) - now my daughter is 16 and wants me to sew her dress for Homecoming (in just a couple of weeks) - I have to learn to sew again REALLY fast...eek!!! Thanks bunches for posting these links, Genevieve - I'm sure they'll be helpful=)!

  4. Remember, the fewer pieces the pattern has, the easier it is to sew. Simple pattern, good fabric, follow the directions, a neat job, and it will look great!

  5. Ah, you make it sound so easy, Genevieve =) You're right, like a nice simple sheath (2 pieces?) - very classy and simple; but Lisa will likely want frills and lace and all that stuff (still...when all is said and done I'll try and talk her into a sheath=)

  6. Thank you so much for the link! So cool!

    Yes, I have been very industrious recently. I ran into some problems to day with the sewing machine. I would love to get a new one -- or a better old one that is heavy enough not to bounce around.

    I started sewing when I was 12. My mom bought me a used sewing machine for $35. From that Christmas on, I had to make all my own clothes as well as hers. I loved it. When I was in college, I got my first zigzag machine -- another $35 purchase! I still have it.

    In 1987 I bought a new machine with several stitches. Problem is it is too lightweight to hold up to heavy use and the bobbin has a tendency to bounce out frequently. Sigh.

    Sorry for posting so much! I need to put this on my own blog probably! But thanks again for the link!

  7. I sold my first sewing machine, an all-metal Singer that did just straight and zigzag stitches. I wish I had kept it, because I think it would still be sewing. I bought a similar, all-metal model for my daughter, and it sews great.

    My next Singer lasted 20 years, but my current Singer had to be repaired after just a year of moderate-to-heavy use, and the repair bill of $85 was painful, since I only paid around $140 for the machine. It's doing all right at the moment, though.


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