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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Harvest Praise at the Christian Way Farm

Life in Christian County, Kentucky...

Christian County, KYYesterday, we went to Harvest Praise, an annual fall event at the Christian Way Farm in northeast Christian County, KY. It's about a dozen miles north of us as the crow flies, but it's a half-hour drive through the hills via the winding roads. It was a clear, cool October day, and the foliage is probably at its peak in color right now.

At the farm, they have a corn maize, pumpkin patch, hayrides, haybale castle, and much to see and admire -- farm animals, old time farming tools and vehicles, craft demonstrations, live music and much more. It's good family fun, enjoyable for all ages. We arrived early in the day, but the farm was crowded with people before long.

Some photos of the event follow, and there was much more that I didn't photograph! I should have got some pictures of folks enjoying the hayrides and the corn maize, particularly -- "shoulda, but didn't."

Harvest PraiseHarvest Praise

Vintage farm vehicles are parked around the barnyard, with steps up into them and things in back for kids to enjoy.

Harvest Praise

Harvest Praise

The barn is used as a souvenir shop, and behind it is an area for resting and enjoying the live music -- empty when we arrived, but crowded later on.

Harvest PraiseHarvest Praise
Both antique and modern farm tools are displayed around the barnyard, including an old horse-drawn corn planter (above left). A hand-operated corn sheller appears in the background of the photo on left, and again at right. It's one of a group of old-time corn shellers. The kids have lots of fun running ears of corn through them and then feeding the corn kernels to the animals.

Harvest PraiseHarvest Praise
The Harvest Praise event gives kids lots of chances to play in the hay. The trike track was frosty when we first arrived. I noticed that it was very popular with pre-schoolers later in the day. The older kids had a "hay-day" in the haybale castle which can be climbed on as well as crawled through!

Harvest PraiseHarvest Praise
One of the Boy Scout troops was selling hot dogs, s'more kits, and marshmallows to cook over their bonfire. A church group was running a food stand with (I think) chicken and tenderloin sandwiches also.

Harvest Praise

The mums were available for purchase, as were gourds, squash, pumpkins, handmade baskets, and other crafts and seasonal items. Parents seemed to enjoy showing their toddlers the cattle, goats, pigs and sheep.

The Christian Way Farm does school tours during the fall and spring as well as their big "Harvest Praise" event. A teacher friend told me that they choose a theme, such as "How Do We Get a Pizza" and show the kids how the meats, cheeses, herbs, grains, etc. are produced on farms. The kids also get to enjoy the maze and other activities and they can have a nice picnic lunch on the tables.

I'm sure the children who visit the Christian Way Farm sleep very well after a day of running around in the fresh air. I certainly did!

Christian County, KY

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  1. Fantastic fall shots! I wish so much I lived where we had a real autumn (all four seasons, in fact). I can smell the leaves and the pumpkin pie, and feel the cool breeze in the air simply by viewing these pics wonderful pics of yours. Thanks for sharing them!

  2. All places (or at least most of them!) have their charms. You've posted some beautiful scenes from southern Arizona, and when we're struggling with winter here, we'll think enviously of warmer climates like yours! But Saturday really was a perfect autumn day. My husband even got a slight burn from sitting too long in the sunshine.

  3. Hot dog roasts and hay rides, I'll bet. :)


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