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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Auction of a Fine Farm

Life in Christian County, Kentucky...History and Old Stuff...

Farmland for sale

An auction of a 311 acre farm will be held in our neighborhood on Dec. 9. It is being sold to settle an estate. We've heard rumors of some prices offered privately for the farm, so it will be interesting to see how it sells.

Farmland for saleThe farm lies mostly in a flat fertile valley, and it includes some of the best farmland in this neighborhood, It looks like some of the land -- perhaps most of it -- is going to be taken out of production. The land that borders the blacktop road has been broken into lots of roughly ten acres each, so small acreage seekers will be bidding against buyers who want to farm the land.

The family that owns the farm has family graves in an old cemetery near here. The oldest birth date of a family member's grave is 1818. Dennis and I are curious whether the farm today might be a remnant of a land grant to a Revolutionary War veteran. The man who was born in 1818 might have been the son or grandson of a war veteran. This is pure speculation on our part. Perhaps we'll learn something about the farm's history at the sale.

I am hoping that a new farm or two will be pieced back together when the land is sold on Dec. 9.

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Dennis reports that the winning bid was $1,101,000. The entire farm was purchased by a single buyer, a local farmer who dabbles in real estate. Because the land adjoins the farm on which this man and his married son both live, it seems unlikely that he will resell or develop it.

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