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Monday, January 15, 2007

No Big Storm Here

All In The Family... Some Interesting News...

The much-hyped three-day rain event didn't materialize in this part of Kentucky. We've had occasional rain since Saturday, but nothing that the streams couldn't handle. I don't suppose we've had more than a couple inches of rain total.

For my sister, it's been a different story. Charlotte lives about 50 miles north of Springfield, Missouri, in the little village of Wheatland. I talked to her on Friday night. She said that school had been dismissed a little early because the roads were getting icy. She had washed some clothes because she was afraid the electricity would go out (due to the accumulation of ice breaking the power lines.)

Last night I looked at her weather report and read that the entire county has no electricity. Ice up to an inch thick has coated everything, and night temperatures are going to be in the single digits the next two nights. On Thursday, daytime temperatures will finally be above freezing.

The National Weather Service report contains suggestions for keeping the water pipes from freezing in houses without electricity, and states that the Senior Citizens Center is open for those who have no heat.

Today is a national holiday, so Charlotte and her husband didn't work. Charlotte is an elementary school teacher, and I doubt if she'll have school tomorrow. Her husband is a rural mail carrier, and he's going to have a really bad week.


I called Charlotte last night but her cell phone just rang twice and sent me to the answering machine. So I called my brother in south-central Kansas and chatted with him. West of Wichita, Kansas, they just got a couple of inches of snow pellets -- no ice.

Dwight mentioned that his parents-in-law in south-central Nebraska had just got electricity again after two weeks without it. It went out in the big ice storm after Christmas (December 29-31, 2006.)

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