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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Buildings by Louis Curtiss

Kansas City architect and his buildings

Buildings designed by the talented and eccentric architect Louis Curtiss (1865-1924) include:

Another of Louis Curtiss's buildings, the Bernard Corrigan house in Kansas City, is included in the Historic American Building Survey at the Library of Congress website. The best way to find it is to visit the HABS homepage and type "Bernard Corrigan Kansas City" into the search bar. Like other Curtiss buildings, the Corrigan house is visually interesting and unique.

I wrote about another Louis Curtiss building in the post "Mineral Hall and Its Unique Arched Doorway".

This is by no means a full list of the buildings that Louis Curtiss designed. These are just the Curtiss buildings of which I found images.

Hypno+Raygun has posted an excellent collection of photographs of Louis Curtiss structures on Flickr.
Some other Louis Curtiss buildings appear in this Flikr search. (Research them carefully, though. Some of these buildings were actually by associates of Louis Curtiss -- and others.)
Also see "Louis Curtiss and the Politics of Architectural Reputation."


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Hey, they better not be tearing down Louis Curtiss' studio! I don't think they are, because I was just there and they have a sign about something opening soon down below. I think a bar. I have taken quite a few photos of Curtiss' work. Some today. I have them posted at

  2. Thanks for the link. I will definitely try to check your photos out, though Flickr doesn't work so well for people like me who still have dial-up. :(

  3. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Don't Fret! The Louis Curtiss Studio has been restored and a new Restaurant & Bar is now open!
    Check it out!!

  4. Anonymous7:58 PM

    This site is amazing! I found it by accident while researching for our next meeting in a historic home. Our group has some real "Curtiss Junkies", so if you want to network, email me at, or find details at
    And thank you for this site!
    The Kansas City Bungalow Club


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