Blog Pages

Friday, May 11, 2007


Blogs and Blogging...

The blog will be undergoing some maintenance. For some reason, the Elements page is not working correctly. I can't save any changes there, and the widgets don't slide around like they should.

After reading some help pages, I've decided that maybe the template has become corrupted in some way. I don't know how to fix it, except to take it back to the Blogger template (Scribe) from which it was modified.

So, the blog will undergo a series of transformations this afternoon, and since it's going to be a major revision, I'm going to take the opportunity to make it a 3-column blog. Please forgive any strange-looking pages as the process is underway.


Sometime during the whole process, I figured out that Internet Explorer could make the Elements page work, even though Firefox (my preferred browser) couldn't. So I guess it's a Firefox thing, not a template or widget problem.

I reinstalled Firefox and Java, emptied the cache, deleted the cookies, restarted the computer, etc., in addition to reverting the widgets to their original forms, and reverting to a new template and modifying it.

Now Firefox can make the widgets slide around on the Elements page, and it can create a new widget, but it can't save any changes to an existing widget. However, the widgets can be modified and saved with Firefox directly from the blogpage. I don't know what's wrong but I will continue tinkering because I want it to work right with Firefox.

At any rate, I'm glad to have a change in the blog's appearance. It's refreshing to me.


  1. Your layout looks good this morning.

  2. I must give credit to Ramani at Hackosphere. He has posted several 3-column Blogger templates, and the directions for installing them. This is just a Scribe template into which I inserted the modifications he outlines. Then I changed the backgrounds and a few other details. I think I'll edit the post and give him a link because I appreciate his generosity.


Thanks for visiting my blog today. Please share your thoughts!