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Friday, June 08, 2007

Prairie Wildflowers in Kingman County, Kansas

All In The Family... Life in Kansas... More About Trees and Plants

My brother in a huge wildflower patchMy brother Dwight amid wildflowers (with Sammie and Hank)
Kansas wildflowers
Gaillardia and other wildflowers
Sunflower?A variety of sunflower?
Catclaw, a Kansas wild flowerCatclaw sensitive briar
Kansas prairie flowersBlanket flower,spiderwort, etc.
Just today, I was thinking about the wildflowers on my brother's ranch in Kansas. This time of the year, especially if there has been good rain, they bloom gloriously.

Then one of those strange little coincidences happened. In today's mail, I found a package from my sister-in-law Kathy. It held a CD titled, "Kansas Wildflowers 2007."

I am sharing Kathy's beautiful photos since many of us haven't been on the Kansas prairie to enjoy the flowers during the last few weeks.

Dwight and Kathy live southwest of Wichita, Kansas, in Kingman County. Their place is on the extreme edge of a unique area that's called the Red Hills (or also the Gyp Hills, for the gypsum deposits.) The Red Hills and all of Kansas are in the Great Plains, in the shortgrass prairie region.

South central Kansas has had some rain this spring, and the flowers show it. I hope you'll click on some of these photos and look at the large version so you can see how the flowers stretch into the distance.

The red flowers, gaillardia, are often called blanket flower because of their similarity to brightly colored Indian blankets.

Some of the blue flowers are tradescantia, commonly known as spiderwort. They are related to daylilies. I don't know where I got the name "snakeflower" for them, but that's what I called them until I learned the proper name.

The flowers that look like pink daisies are purple coneflowers and those that look like yellow daisies are some kind of sunflower -- or so I would call them. Catclaw, one of the lavender flowers, is related to the mimosa tree.

If I'm wrong on any of this, feel free to straighten me out, and if you know some of the other names, please let me know.

Purple coneflower and other prairie flowersPurple coneflower and more
Flowers of the Kansas shortgrass prairieGaillardia (blanket flower) and more

Another prairie wildflowerMore wildflowers whose name I don't know!A low-growing Kansas wild flowerLow-growing wildflowers on Kathy's lawn

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  1. Anonymous8:37 AM

    These are beautiful! I can just picture Laura, Mary, and Carrie from Little House running through the flowers! Thanks for sharing!

    By the way - I love your website. I check in everyday!

  2. Lesa, I'm really glad you're enjoying the blog. I have visited out there just once in early June when the wildflowers were blooming lavishly like this. It is an amazing and unforgettable sight. My brother says that sometimes there are wildflower tours around the area.

  3. I'm planning to travel to Kansas next month. The flowers look good.

  4. Hi, John. I think you'll enjoy Kansas. It's like Nebraska in that it has a reputation of being all cornfield, but actually, it has a lot of interesting things to see and land formations if you get off the interstate.

  5. if you get off the interstate.

    Which I plan to do.

  6. Anonymous9:08 AM

    The flowers in the picture with the Kubota and Hank are bluebells, the ones on the lawn are primrose. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. We thought of you that morning.

  7. Kathy, I had just been thinking about trying to find my photos of the wildflowers. What a nice surprise to find yours in the mail. I'm glad you are getting some rain out there this year, so far.


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