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Sunday, January 06, 2008

Someone Else's Grocery List

A carefree eater goes shopping.

I stopped at Kroger tonight after work to pick up a few groceries. The last shopper's list was lying in the bottom of the shopping cart, so I picked it up and read it. Here it is -- just five items.

  • 6 bananas
  • 1 lb. bacon
  • 1 doz. eggs
  • 1 crispy c. donuts
  • beer bratwurst

This list suggests to me that its author keeps donuts in the house regularly, just like bacon, eggs, and bananas. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts as a staple of life! What a concept!

Related: Friday Donuts


  1. Genevieve, you had Homer Simpson's shopping cart!

  2. When my kids were young we ate lots of donuts, I'm embarrassed to admit. I did have a rule that sprinkle donuts could only be eaten at the donut shop. What a mess they make!

    Krispy Kreme donuts are like injecting sugar straight into my veins. What a fun collection you could make of other people's grocery lists!

  3. The previous shopper must have been on the Stick to your Arteries diet.

  4. Anonymous3:37 AM

    Sounds like a police station's breakfast menu to me :)

  5. I echo what ptg said. Yikes!


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