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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Snow Adventures

Snow report from rural Christian County, KY

Daffodils in snowSnow on the daffodils

When I went to work yesterday morning, I drove the first six miles very carefully. Overnight, a couple inches of slippery slush had accumulated on the rural blacktops. However, Highway 68/80, the main east-west route through Christian County, was mostly clear, due to salt and heavy traffic.

A second wave of heavy snowfall was supposed to start at noon, but it didn't materialize. We wondered if the forecast was completely wrong, but it started snowing heavily about the time I got off work. The roads were getting bad, so I decided I'd wait for Isaac to get off work too, so we could "caravan" home together.

Driving home in the snow

When we headed home at 9 p.m., a few car tracks down the center of the highway gave us a path through the white landscape. When we turned off the main highway, there were more snowdrifts to break and no car tracks to follow. Where the wind swept across open fields, we drove blindly through the fog of flying snowflakes.

This was a bad winter storm for Kentucky. Driving in a snowstorm like that was a new experience for Isaac, but I had deja vu. I've driven through similar snowstorms many times -- but not recently.

Getting to work today

At 8:30 this morning, Dennis walked down to the mailbox to check out the situation. He reported that my car wouldn't make it through the large drifts across our lane. The blacktop road hadn't been plowed and hadn't had any traffic. Today I was one of those people who call their job and claim that the roads are too bad to get to work.

Stuck in the snowIsaac parked in his usual place close to the house last night. When he tried to get his car out of the driveway this morning, he got stuck in a snowdrift along the north side of the house.

I parked at the head of the driveway last night, not by the house, so after a telephone repair truck broke a trail from the highway to the telephone post at our house and back again, I made it down the hill and took Isaac to work. I have to pick him up again this evening. His car is still stuck!

The snow is melting quickly because the ground is not frozen. There's mud under the snow, and when the snow is gone, we'll have a very muddy situation indeed. That includes the lawn that we chewed up today, trying to drive Isaac's car through the long snowdrift that we usually refer to as "our driveway."

Snowfall reports by trained weather spotters in Christian County vary from 4.5 inches to 7.5 inches. Unofficially, I can report that this is the most snow we've had for several years.

Related post: Wild March Weather


Little River, Christian County, KY


  1. Anonymous5:10 PM

    At 7:30 this morning a ruler measured just over 8 inches on my patio table. We are several miles out Princeton Road. :-)

  2. Hi, Alissa. There was more than enough snow for me, for sure. I hope it melts a lot tomorrow so we can get my son's car out.

  3. Hey G:
    I do like your 1st pix more than usual! Sorry to hear about all that snow overtaking your travels. It's been 2x+ normal snow fall here as well. Thanks for the visit and ALL your pix keep lookin' more better to me? Ahh... Could I redo that skull pix/post on my blog? I just wanted you to know how much I liked the comp__:) ...later,~(:-_))-kfh

  4. Hi, Kenneth. Well, it was a good excuse for people who have 4-wheel drives to engage all four and demonstrate how they can get around. :) As for us, we did a little shoveling this morning and got all the vehicles out. Most of that effort turned out to be unnecessary because most of the snow had melted by sundown!

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Interesting parellel is that back in the late 50's or early 60's, a similar snow event occurred in Hopkinsville during March. The differnece is that there were about 15 inches of snow then. It paralized everything and everyone for nearly a week.


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