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Monday, March 24, 2008

Spring Break

Florida or bust!

1920s beach scene1920s beach scene

A surprising number of swim suits and beach towels have come through my cash register at work recently. Families are traveling to Florida over spring break and they want to be ready to swim. Many are headed for Disney World (just 677 miles from Hopkinsville), and they're also hoping to go to the beach (or at least to the pool at their hotel.)

Christian County schools had several snow days this winter, and the school board recently decided to cut spring break by three days to make up the time. The public is so outraged by the decision that the board has called a special meeting tomorrow night to reconsider. I anticipate that we will revert to the original spring break schedule and make up the snow days some other way.

People are talking about taking their kids on the scheduled vacation, even if school is in session. Some families have made complex plans for the scheduled holiday. Both parents have arranged vacation time from their jobs. Reservations have been made and tickets bought. I can understand their ire.

Ever since we moved here 17 years ago, I've heard people talk about going to Florida for spring break. Some go every year. I wonder when the trip to Florida became such a revered spring-break tradition. Surely, it didn't start until after the interstate highways were built.

This will probably make me sound old. When I was a kid going to a little country school, I don't think we ever had spring break or an Easter vacation. In high school, we may have had Good Friday off from school but I'm sure it wasn't more than that. If my family traveled at all at Easter, it would have been a trip to see my Grandma. Florida sounds a lot more exciting!

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