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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gas Price: August 20, 2008

Price of gasoline in Hopkinsville, KY

The price of regular unleaded tonight at Murphy's (the WalMart gas station) was $3.469 per gallon. That beats the $3.529 per gallon that I paid last time I put gas in my car. I hope the lower prices hold for a while.

The propane truck filled the tank at our house a few days ago. It took 100 gallons, and the cost was $249.00. $2.49 per gallon -- ouch! We'll be burning as little of that as possible. Thank goodness for the wood stove.

I heard a news item on the radio a few days ago that urged everyone who is heating with propane or natural gas to get their house winterized and to work out a levelized payment worked out with their gas company. We are planning to get some more insulation in our attic before winter.

The propane guy didn't even bring the bill to the door as he ordinarily does. He tucked it under the gauge, closed down the dome on the tank, and left. He's probably tired of talking about the high cost of propane.


  1. Howlo, G! I bet you're right that the propane guy ran off . . . 'cuz he's sick of takin' the heat for prices.

    We'll have to see what northern CA gas prices are down to today. Dog-ma let tank go low hopin' prices would too.

    I made dog-ma play your Hangman Game with me. That was fun! Dog-ma got the word. She said it was hard, even fur her. I don't know if'n she wants me to tell you she's old enuff to remember when the game was popular.

    ^..^ ~ Yappy day, Tilin buddy

  2. Hey G :) Very nice night pix!
    Hope that you are feelin' more better?
    All those billions of American dollars (paid for crude) are being traded aqap for new world telecom business by the OPEC groupies. (HBJ) That big money is hard to follow?
    We had a wonderful Erie sunset... check it out... when you have some extra time? later, kfh

  3. Howlo to you, Tilin. I heard that regular unleaded was in the $3.30s along the interstate ten miles south of Hopkinsville. I don't know why Hopkinsville prices are so high, but they were up about a nickel yesterday. Maybe the Georgia/Russia crisis has just trickled down to the pump.

  4. Hi, Kenneth. I am not very faithful about making the rounds, but I did visit tonight and enjoyed the sunset over the waves of Lake Erie. That's a great photo. Thanks for the invitation to see it.

  5. Anonymous2:45 AM

    I have been really having some problems with the current fuel prices and I just hope that there would be some solution soon. I don't know if hybrids or electric would be the new way, but I would certainly not opt for engine conversions to use other alternatives.


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