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Thursday, August 07, 2008

Melons by the Dozens

Cantaloupe and watermelon in transit

Truckload of melons

I saw two shattered watermelons on the roads yesterday, as well as this big load of melons in one of Hopkinsville's parking lots. I'll bet the cab of the truck was fragrant with "essence of cantaloupe". I hope these melons didn't set in the sunshine for long. It was very hot yesterday, and they probably didn't need to ripen any more.


  1. Hi Genevieve,

    The watermelons and cantaloupe sound so good right now. We bought a watermelon last week. It was suppose to be seedless-well, it wasn't. So, if you go to Wal-Mart be prepared to get some seeds! lol It was so juicy though. OH IT WAS GOOD!

    I wanted to let you know that I added the extra egg to the cornbread and that helped. I put mine in a cast iron skillet, so maybe that is part of it. The first time that I made it I used my HUGE camping iron skillet that I had gotten for Christmas. Those were the biggest pieces of cornbread!

    BTW, you've been tagged.

    Here are the details:

  2. Hi, Angie. Glad the cornbread was better. I wonder if you might be stirring it too much. That's about the only thing I can imagine.

    I am going to do the tag, but I haven't decided which six things to tell yet. :)


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