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Monday, August 04, 2008

A Noah's Ark for Vacation Bible School

Southside Church of Christ in Hopkinsville, KY

Every summer, sometime in June, the Southside Church of Christ starts building something on the lawn beside their Sunday School building. Obviously, they know what they're building, but the rest of us watch with curiosity. Each time we drive by, we note the progress and wonder what it will be this year.

The construction is always related to the theme of their upcoming Vacation Bible School (VBS), and it's designed to draw attention and create excitement. This year's ark is their most ambitious project to date. I'm sure the VBS students enjoyed exploring it.

Southside Church of Christ is located on Skyline Drive, just a block off Fort Campbell Boulevard, one of Hopkinsville's busiest streets. The VBS construction project is seen by hundreds of people, every day. It reminds families that Vacation Bible School is a good summer activity and tells them that their children are invited to Southside's Bible School.

Here are a couple of other ways that Southside Church of Christ has made friendly contact with me, a random member of the general public:

  • They used to have a radio "bright spot" every morning that I enjoyed hearing as I drove the kids to school. (They may still have it, but my schedule is different now.)
  • When my picture was in the newspaper, I received a clipping of the article and a nice note from their pastor.

I'm not likely to change my church affiliation, but I must admit that the Southside Church of Christ has made me feel I'd be welcome there.

1 comment:

  1. A Hopkinsville reader sent the following comments by e-mail. I'm posting this portion of his note because it speaks of the support Southside's members give to the Vacation Bible School:

    "Thank you for your kind words about the ark and about our church.

    "A lot of work goes into making VBS a success each year. The outside display is just a small part of what goes on behind the scenes to make VBS what it is."


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