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Saturday, August 15, 2009

CSX at Skyline Drive

Freight train, freight train, goin' so fast

Many of the freight trains that roll through Hopkinsville seem to be several miles long. The tanker cars above were near the end of a northbound train. The hopper cars below rolled by a bit earlier.

It was a long train. I waited at the railroad crossing for quite a while. Finally, I decided to try photographing the cars as they passed. I always think that if I missed the engine, I missed the best photo I could have had. That might be a wrong idea. I like the industrial look of these photos.


  1. The photos show me an aspect of industrialized agriculture. A big elevator and the power to make it run.

  2. I thought much the same, PT. I considered subtitling the post something like "Lifeblood" but I decided that was overly dramatic.

  3. Don't be so modest. Its a dramatic photo.


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