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Friday, November 19, 2010

Indignities Endured

Victim of excessive crafting

I saw this little angel, kneeling on a shelf at Goodwill in Hopkinsville. His huge ruff looks very uncomfortable.

There's something vaguely creepy about this little fellow. Sad to say, he would fit right into the set of a scary movie. In his current costume, he certainly could serve as a symbol of suffering!


  1. Isaac2:48 PM

    This makes me think of the little angels we used to paint for bible school at Lakeview Baptist.

  2. I remember those little angels, son. I don't think any of them were as over-decorated as this poor little fellow is.

  3. Too funny! The expression on his face almost looks like he is thinking, "Help me!" Well, you know if he had thoughts. Poor guy. I have to admit to some of that "over crafting" myself. I know, I know..I have my head down in shame. :)


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