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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Bad Storm in Christian County, KY

High winds, heavy rain

A bad storm passed through Christian County (KY) today. We had several hours of high winds and heavy rain. A factory between Hopkinsville and Pembroke was badly damaged (apparently by a tornado), and farmers in the adjacent area reported damage to buildings. Residents of Pembroke and Lacy in Christian County also had storm damage, including a tree that fell on a mobile home.

I heard on the radio that 180 workers were in the TGASK building when it was hit. Seven people were injured badly enough that they went to the hospital, but no one was in serious condition. The wind took off part of the front of the building, ripped off the roof, and blew through the back of the building, according to the radio report. Debris was scattered for a wide area.

Along the highway in front of the plant, half-a-dozen or more wooden electrical poles were snapped in half, and several steel poles were bent double. Electrical wires were on the ground, causing power outages in the Pembroke area.

I was at work while all this was taking place. Except for the weather, it was a very boring morning because we had almost no customers.

Squall after squall rolled over us. At one point, big waves of water were scooting across the parking lot like whitecaps on a lake.  The electricity went out for about a minute, then flickered several more times. I suppose that was when the tornado hit TGASK.

When Dennis got home from work, he called to tell me that everything at our house was OK.  No big tree limbs had fallen, our animals were all safe, and the electricity was still working. That was good news.

More about the storms in this region:


  1. I am glad I no longer worked there! Such a scare!

  2. I'm glad you weren't there, too! Really, it's a wonder that more people weren't hurt.


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