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Friday, July 06, 2012

Keely's Fair Exhibits

Well done!

This week, Keely entered two exhibits in the Marketable Crafts section of the fair in Hopkinsville (Western Kentucky State Fair). One exhibit was a "Wild Thing" she had crocheted (based on the Maurice Sendak book, Where the Wild Things Are). The other exhibit was a "Veil of Isis" shawl, knitted with lace-weight yarn.

We're very pleased that Keely's Wild Thing took second place in his category. The first place ribbon went to a cute Teddy bear.

And Keely's Veil of Isis shawl won first place in it's category and grand champion of the entire Marketable Crafts section. It's a large, light-weight, beaded lace shawl. The small size when folded is due to the very fine yarn used to make it.

Keely's already talking about what she might make for the fair next year. The other exhibitors may not realize it yet, but their competition is now a lot stiffer than it used to be.

Keely has been knitting for maybe four years. Her friends at work got her started, and she took to it like a duck takes to water, as the saying goes. I can't claim any credit at all for her knitting skills. However, I did introduce her to crochet when she was about ten years old. I hoped she would entertain herself with it for a few hours. As you can see, my plan was successful.


  1. She is so super talented! Congrat, congrats on the winnings...I think Wild Thing should have won 1st place! :)

    Love seeing all the crochet/knit things that your daughter makes. She is truly talented.

  2. She is definitely a crafty person, and I think it's partly an inborn talent. She had a set of crafty grandmothers.

  3. Ooh. I would like a close-up photo of the shawl.

    Saw a hilarious sock dog in a store this week. Time to rethink the old sock monkey.

  4. We're going to do a photo shoot of the shawl. But it's going to be a few days before we can get together.

  5. I saw the shawl at the fair and it was beautiful! I cannot imagine the hours that went into making it. Keely was in front of me in line Saturday morning when we were checking out. I loved the Wild Thing! It should have won first place. She is so talented!

  6. Lesa, she just finished a little stuffed bear that she thinks she might enter next time. It's very cute. Were you exhibiting a photo? (Hope you see this -- I am just back from a week in KS, and I am catching up.)

  7. Yes - I entered 7 photos and received 6 ribbons - 3 blue and 3 red. The competition was really tight this year - so many entries. I also entered a hand painted Christmas ornament that received a blue ribbon.
    Keely is so talented. If she ever crochets/knits a sock monkey - let me know! I would love to buy it!

  8. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Congradulations to Keely on her wins at the fair. What a wonderful talent to have. Keep up the good work! Jackie Heisterberg


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