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Friday, August 10, 2012

Corner Post

Seen at my brother's ranch in Kansas


  1. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Nicely set corner, plumb, properly braced, deeply buried, tight wire and a level gate. It's a piece of art created by a master craftsman.

    It does not appear to be one of those ubiquitous Sandhill railroad tie corners. I am guessing it is cast concrete rather than the beautifully cut stone posts seen in and around the Flint Hills of Kansas. That makes little difference as it is the hand and eye of the fence builder which marks the boundary, keeps the neighbors good and protects stock and grass.

    The fence will tell you much about stockman who lives within. I would guess a good one lives here.

    A Friend in Nevada

  2. It was a problem with fences that took us to this corner.

    One of my brother's neighbors has terrible fences on a pasture that he rents out. Neither the owner nor the renter are willing to fix the fences. The renter's bull was out in the road earlier in the day, and that evening, the bull was in with my brother's cows.

    When I took this picture, we had driven the bull away from the cows and over to this gate, with the 4-wheeler and the dogs. The dogs held the bull, my brother opened the gate in the photo, the bull went through, and we got him into a corral.

    Then we rode the fence to see how he had entered the pasture, but there were no obvious holes. My brother said the bull was either an "auto-gate walker" or someone put him in there to get him off the road. His owner came and hauled him off the next day.

    Anyway, the above story is my explanation of why this photo was taken fast without much attention to what the materials were -- so I don't really know what sort of a post it was. It's oilfield country around there, and used pipe is pretty easy to obtain, so lots of things around my brother's place have some pipe in them.


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