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Friday, March 15, 2013

15 Animal and Bird Songs

Ah, do you remember these?

Here's a Fun Friday Fifteen, since I missed the Thursday Thirteen. (Yes, I did just invent the Fun Friday Fifteen!)

  1. Old Blue (Bet you five dollars he's a good dog too.)
  2. The Old Gray Mare (She ain't what she used to be.)
  3. Sweetly Sings the Donkey (At the break of day.)
  4. Git Along Little Dogies (It's your misfortune and none of my own.)
  5. Mary Had a Little Lamb (Its fleece was white as snow.)
  6. Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat (Where have you been?)
  7. Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone? (Where, oh where can he be?)
  8. Pop! Goes the Weasel (Round and round the cobbler's bench...)
  9. Froggie Went a Courtin' (And he did ride, a-hum, a-hum.)
  10. Go Tell Aunt Rhody (The old gray goose is dead.)
  11. Be Kind to your Webfooted Friends (For a duck may be somebody's mother.)
  12. Three Blind Mice (Did ever you see such a sight in your life?)
  13. Teensy Weensy Spider (Climbed up the spout again.)
  14. Rabbit Ain't Got No Tail At All (Same song, second verse, a little bit louder, and a little bit worse.)
  15. The Bear Went Over the Mountain (To see what he could see.)

Now which one of these is stuck in your head? For me, it's "Froggie Went a Courtin'." A-hum.

Illustrations from the Project Gutenberg EBook of Denslow's Mother Goose, copyright 1902 by William Wallace Denslow. ==Us


  1. I'm voting for numbers 11 and 15. The old black bear backed up the butte while the other black bear backed down.

  2. 1. Thanks a bunch – love the list – for me it was Go Tell Aunt Rhody (The old gray goose is dead.) and Be Kind to your Webfooted Friends (For a duck may be somebody's mother.)

    2. I might add - Puff the Magic Dragon.

    I like and look forward to your posts.


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