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Friday, August 16, 2013

Seen Around Christian County

A very green summer

Hand-lettered signs along the highway are a tried-and-true marketing strategy for our Mennonite neighbors. The lettering is unusually neat on this one along Highway 68/80.

I took this photo of a beautifully manicured tobacco field a few weeks ago. By now, the plants are probably much larger. We've had a generous amount of regular rain this year.

Tobacco plants are cared for by hand, not by machine, and they require regular attention. Weeds must be hoed out, and the plants must be sprayed if any sign of disease appears. Blossoms are removed by hand, and the plants are cut by hand at harvest time. Most large-scale tobacco farmers hire Mexican crews for the tobacco season.

This photo of the South Fork of Little River was taken from the bridge on Little River Church Road. The South Fork looks quiet and docile here, but whenever we get a period of heavy rain, it comes out of its banks and floods the roads and fields around it (and sometimes the yards and houses, too.)
As an example, here's a warning from the National Weather Service on July 22, 2013: "South Fork Little River at Hopkinsville - 68/80 affecting Christian and Trigg counties. Heavy rainfall has caused the South Fork of the Little River to rise above flood stage for a few hours. It should drop quickly with the end of heavy rain."

Obviously these cattle have escaped from their pasture. What to do while waiting for them to move out of the way? Take their picture as a reminder that you never know what's going to be on the road out in the country -- so slow down!

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