Blog Pages

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

What's happening here?

If you are still signed up to read this blog by email or in a feed reader, you may see some activity here and wonder what is going on. I've been going through these posts, starting at the very beginning of this blog in  2006. 

I am migrating some posts to a new location (Lavender Highway.) The posts I'm moving contain stories that I want to put into a book for my kids and anyone else who wants a copy. The remainder of Prairie Bluestem's posts will remain here. I hope eventually to go through them also and repair broken links, remove posts that have become obsolete, etc.

Meanwhile, please visit Lavender Highway and read these stories again if you want. Also, if you have comments, please feel free to post them!

I'm going to be 69 at the end of this month, and I don't want to wait much longer to get these writings gathered and organized. One reason I'm using a blog to help me is that I think tagging the posts by topic will make it easier to create a simple index for the book.


  1. That sounds like a great idea. You are a wonderful writer, and I know your book(s) will be awesome. :)

  2. Thanks, Stitchy. It's kind of a daunting project, but on the plus side, the writing is mostly done. I see minor changes that should be made, but the big work of composition is done and now it's just editing.


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