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Friday, August 04, 2006

AOL offers everyone 5Gb of storage

Backup your digital assets by Will Head, 04 Aug 2006

AOL has announced that it will offer all web users 5Gb of online storage space for free.

The service will be powered by Xdrive, which AOL purchased in August last year.

The online file space can be used to back up or store files such as photos, documents, music or videos.

Read more:AOL offers everyone 5Gb of storage

I think I had some free Xdrive space a long time ago that came along with some kind of software or hardware. I did use it to back up a few things, but now I couldn't even tell you what my user name was or what I had there! I had completely forgotten about it until I read this article.

Following links a few weeks ago, I read a comment by Rich Legg of Leggnet's Digital Capture on another blog. Rich mentioned that he uses Flickr as an online backup of his photographs.


  1. I think that what really limits people is the speed of their connection. Who has the bandwidth to upload or download 5GB of data?

  2. My thoughts, exactly, Phil. It won't be me with dial-up, for obvious reasons.


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