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Friday, August 04, 2006

Seen at Cumberland Falls, KY

Life in The Upper South...

Official website: Cumberland Falls State Resort Park. Just don't believe them when they say that Campsite 117 is shaded. It's only shaded from 9:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. For the other 12 hours of the day, the site is in full sun.

In all of these photos, you can see the haze of high humidity and heat.

Cumberland Falls areaOverview of Cumberland River
hills and valleys from Hwy. 90

MoonbowA "moonbow" occurs at Cumberland Falls
during the full moon

Cumberland FallsCumberland Falls from first overlookCumberland FallsCumberland Falls again

Dupont markerBenefactor of Cumberland FallsGift shopThe river behind the gift shop window

Big rocksPath to an overlook area
Above fallsA few hundred feet above the Falls

ShoalsRock shoals above the FallsShoalsMore of the wide rock bed above Falls

TrailRough trail on cliffside to Eagle FallsView over the edgeLooking down from Eagle Falls trail

Eagle FallsEagle Falls, approx. 1 mile
below Cumberland Falls
Still LifeNatural still life
at Eagle Falls

Cumberland FallsCumberland Falls from the Eagle Falls trail
Recuperating from the hot and strenuous hike to Eagle Falls

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