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Saturday, January 20, 2007

January Scenes from Christian County, KY

Life in Christian County, Kentucky...

Today I drove the backroads across the northern part of Christian County, or as we call it, "North Christian". As the day progressed, the sky grew steadily grayer, as you'll see in the photos.

Pennyrile State ForestNear the Pennyrile State Forest officesScouts setting up camp

Isaac's troop is having their traditional "freeze-out" camping trip tonight. They're at Pennyrile State Forest. Above, Isaac (red coat) and another scout are setting up their tent. Earlier the forecast called for snow, sleet, and freezing rain tonight, so we weren't sure if they'd sleep in tents or in a building that the Forest Service offered. The weather forecast improved dramatically today, so they're in their tents tonight.

Wall at Pennyrile State ForestOld wall at Pennyrile State ForestWall at Pennyrile State ForestOld wall at Pennyrile State Forest

This old stone wall near the headquarters once enclosed a home and its lawn. Now the home is gone except for its concrete floor and massive stone fireplace, but the wall remains. It stands a couple feet tall and is made from large blocks of native stone. It's capped with a layer of concrete that's shaped like an upside down "V". Small native stones are embedded edge-wise in the concrete.

The old hotel in Crofton, KYThe old Crofton (KY) HotelMain Street at Crofton, KY

Crofton is a little town about 15 miles north of Hopkinsville on Highway 41. The railroad tracks run literally through the middle of town. Trains blocking the crossings are a big problem for Crofton's residents. The Crofton Hotel was built in 1906, and it replaced a former hotel or boarding house that burned down. It closed in 1959. (Source of these historic factoids: Postcard History Series: Hopkinsville by William T. Turner and Donna K. Stone)

Buildings on Main St., Crofton, KYCorner of Main Street, Crofton, KYAbandoned farm buildingsLong-abandoned farm buildings

From Crofton, I went east on Highway 800 and Highway 109. These narrow state highways wind through the hills and valleys, following the path of the old trails. They exist mainly to serve the people who live along them, not for travel across the state.

January fieldsA lush January fieldMore abandoned farm buildingsMore abandoned farm buildings

I don't know why the field above wasn't mowed. I wondered if the land might be owned by a hunting club or group, and maybe they left it for wildlife. I did see a big flock of wild turkeys near here.

Pilot RockPilot Rock seen from the northwestPilot RockAnother view of Pilot Rock
I've written about Pilot Rock several times, and the links to those posts are given below. It stands on the county line between Todd and Christian Counties, and it is the highest part in both counties. This view is from the Ebenezer-Ovil Road, a gravel road that runs between Highway 189 and Highway 508.

Related posts:
Pennyrile State Forest
Pilot Rock
Treasure at Pilot Rock or Apex in Christian County, KY
Seen on Friday, the 13th in which this photo shows the back doors of the old Crofton Hotel.

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