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Monday, May 23, 2011

Tennessee Renaissance Festival 2011

Photos of Tenn-Ren, May 21, 2011

We left home at about 8:00 a.m. and arrived at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival grounds at about 10:30 a.m.-- early enough that we parked fairly close to the gates. Inside, members of the court were visiting near the entrance.

I bought some lavender oil from this lady. When I asked if she was a member of the family or an employee, she explained that she was the owner of the business. She grows her own lavender.

Craig of Farrington, the balladeer, was serenading these two ladies. Keely and I had that experience one year, and it was amusing, to say the least. He's very good at improvising lyrics (or adapting them to fit the situation.)

We were just in time for the "Oops" Comedy Knife-Throwing Show. They believe in audience participation. I am thankful that I was not chosen for any of their shenanigans!

Cinnamon-roasted nuts -- they were good!

It was Pirate Weekend, so that probably explains why there seemed to be fewer people in fantasy costumes (Star Trekkers, mythological beings, characters from games, books, movies, etc.) People who dress up for events like this, even though they aren't paid or required to do so, are called "playtrons" (rhymes with "patrons"). They certainly help make Tenn-Ren an interesting event to attend.

Where's Waldo?

Three familiar members of the Realm: The knight in shining armor, Lady Ettie (aka The Bag Lady), and Loony Lucy.

This lad attempts a game of skill.

Hung en masse, these crystals are dazzling and enticing!

Birds of the Gauntlet is another familiar member of the Tennessee Renaissance Festival. I've never watched their entire show, though I think it would be interesting. Whenever I've happened to be in their neighborhood at the right time to catch their demonstration, it's always been too hot and sunny for me to last long on the bleachers.

I always enjoy visiting Tomas the Lapidary's shop. This year, I bought a little pin and one of the metal roses in the vases.

Personally, this doesn't fascinate me, but it's at the festival every year, so it must interest some folks.

Everything necessary to fit out a fairy.

We enjoyed Cù Dubh, a band of bagpipers and drummers. It's very fierce music, but you can't listen to it without starting to keep time. A little boy standing on the wall just behind us was feeling the music -- he danced and danced.

Some people's costumes are so good that it's hard to guess whether they're visitors or professional players, employed by Tennessee Renaissance Festival. My own garb was medieval, not Renaissance. It's much easier to sew!

Keely talked to this lady for a few minutes about her dress and the personna she is playing -- the Elizabethan lady of the court. She told Keely that she sewed the dress she is wearing. Notice the tie-on sleeves, which are authentic to the period.

You can buy your fine garb if you don't want to sew your own.

Walking sticks

The Queen was knighting some of her smaller subjects. She was very good at it. The little fellow in yellow was a bit overwhelmed, so she knelt down to talk to him and let him see and touch the sword. Then as she went through the little ceremony, she told him what would happen next: "Now I'm going to touch your shoulder with the sword... Now I'm going to touch your other shoulder... Now I'm going to touch your head."

And that's the Ren Fest for another year. This year was notable because we didn't get wet. We've been caught in a shower at the fair more times than not. This year, dark clouds were filling the sky as we left, and just a few miles west of the festival grounds, we drove through heavy rain.

2006 Tennessee Renaissance Festival
2007 Tennessee Renaissance Festival
2008 Tennessee Renaissance Festival
2009 Tennessee Renaissance Festival
2010 Tennessee Renaissance Festival


  1. What fun! I haven't been to Scarborough Renaissance Festival down in Waxahachie for many years, but we always enjoyed the experience.

  2. Thank you for such lovely pictures...I always love reading about your adventures. :)

    Blessings always

  3. Kristian :)9:08 AM

    Genevieve this is awesome! I very much enjoyed it :)
    And MAN was Renaissance Festival a blast!

  4. I had a great time at the Bristol Faire in Wisconsin--about 45 miles of me.


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