Tools and supplies for a cold-weather chore
An advertisement in the December 5, 1905, Hopkinsville Kentuckian:
Hog-Killing Supplies
Lard Kettles
Lard Stands
Sausage Stuffers
Lard Strainers
Scalding Tubs
Butcher Knives
Best Ohio River Salt
Best Michigan Salt
Best Table Salt
Meat Choppers
Lard Presses
Forbes M'f'g. Co.
Hopkinsville, Kentucky

I think that "Ohio River Salt" was the brand name of a salt produced at Pomeroy, Ohio.
And a little farther down the page:
Hog Killing Time!
Now is the season for
this and the making of
good country sausage.
Remember, we carry a full
line of seasonings, in Salt,
Peter, Liquid Smoke, Whole and
Ground Sage, Cayenne pepper, and
Black Pepper. Give us a call
Cook & Higgins,
Both }Home 1215 Main
phones, }Cumberland, 58 Street.
A grocer's ad on the same page confirmed that hog-killing season had indeed begun.
Direct From the
W. T. Cooper
& Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers!
Temperatures had dropped to 17 degrees above zero on the previous Sunday night. "Freezing weather followed the rain of Saturday, and those who killed hogs slept easier," reported the newspaper.
Just a week earlier (late November), the pastors of "the Main and Virginia Street colored Baptist churches" had baptized 60 people in the old mill pond, west of the North Main bridge. Oh, my goodness, that must have been chilly, even if they were blessed with 50-degree weather that day!
All of these reports and advertisements appear on page 8 of the December 5, 1905, Hopkinsville Kentuckian. The sketch of the butchering tools is from an F. A. Yost Co. advertisement on page 1 of the November 27, 1909 Hopkinsville Kentuckian.
It was a long day, but I'm glad I didn't have to kill hogs or be dunked in a cold river. Thank you for this attitude adjuster!
If you were the one dealing with the pork, it was definitely a huge job. But according to Laura Ingalls Wilder, it was fun for the kids.
Your day was probably much the same, Collagemama -- definitely a huge job, but fun for the kids (students)!
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