As requested...
Several people have told me in comments and by email that they wanted to see photos of my freshly henna-ed hair.

But take heart. I was sitting in my car today, enjoying the AC and waiting for my daughter, when I noticed that the sun was shining through the car window on my hair. I immediately thought of my photo-hungry readers, and I got my camera out of my purse and took a few pictures of my image in the visor mirror.
The visor mirror isn't very big, so when I held my camera to the right of my head and out of the picture, the camera saw only half of my face. But I made sure that the photos included the important part -- my glowing red hair. In fact, my hair glows several degrees redder in these photos than it does in real life. You can judge the brilliance of the sunshine and the amount of overexposure in the photos by the lack of color and features in my face.
So, without further ado, dear readers, here are the photos I took. I've decided to post them uncensored and in chronological order. I hope you enjoy them. I would have taken more for you, but mercifully, my daughter returned after #7.
My personal favorites are the ones with nothing at all. They make me feel so, so No Longer Alone. Spatial tasks make me crazy.
Your hair is pretty! I wish I had enough hair to justify a henna rinse...
Gosh, Elaine, I thought *I* was the only one. :D
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