In July?

At Hobby Lobby, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I came upon an entire long aisle hung with baubles and doo-dads for the Christmas tree. I might have thought the aisle was dedicated to Christmas year-round, but then I spotted a freestanding display of giant shiny Christmas bulbs right out in the main walkway. I even saw a miniature Christmas tree. No doubt about it -- the winter holidays are upon us.

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I saw Garden Ridge Pottery getting ready with its Christmas displays last weekend. I couldn't believe it. I was looking for a bird bath! My calendar says "July." Doesn't yours?? I thought it was bad when they started putting Christmas things out at Halloween.
I guess they hope you'll start picking up a few little items. There's hundreds of dollars hanging in just that one aisle. Most of those ornaments are probably selling for at least $3 each, and I'll bet they don't pay 25¢ each for them.
Wow, this is very early for that sort of thing. I've seen some premature holiday stuff before, but July? Couldn't they be selling summer stuff or even fall stuff in that aisle? Maybe they're trying to get people thinking 'Christmas' so that they'll spend more when the time comes... I don't know how it works.
Remember the "War on Christmas"? How about we wage a war on commercialism of religious and national holidays?
Well, I do my own personal war, which is a boycott until a reasonable time of the year. The thing I hate about it is that it makes me weary of Christmas decorations to see them for so many months before it's even time to put them up. We usually put up our Christmas tree and do a lot of the Christmas decorating on the weekend after Thanksgiving.
Hey Gene:
Jo Anne & I do the same... Christmas stuff only after Thanksgiving!
On another note... we just had our first (local grown, hybrid bread&butter) CORN and it was GOOD!
I stopped at three ears as they were a bit small but to much isn't smart. Have you had your first of season's taste yet?
Sincere appreciations, KennethF
We have, and there's nothing like it. They like white corn around here, as well as yellow corn, and I like both of them. I think the bread & butter is a mixture of white and yellow kernels, no?
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