Story of an heirloom quilt

Carolyn Hall of Bassett, Nebraska, sent the photo of the beautiful quilt above, and I asked if I could post it for everyone to enjoy. She graciously agreed and wrote a few words of explanation about the quilt's history:
The quilt was made by my cousin Neva Armour in MI. When she died it was left to her niece, Sharon Katz Gobel in KY. So the only relation it has to Rock County is me. You may put it on your blog as an example of a completely hand done quilt originally started in the 1930's and finished in 2006-7 by the Busy Fingers quilting group of the Bassett United Methodist Church (Leona Spann, age 93, Lois Bennett, age 87 and Carolyn Hall, age 68). The cat is a barn cat from Cherry county. She must be part Siamese to get the seal brown color.
I sized the photo down to post it here, but take a closer look in the image below. I am awed at the many, many little pieces of cloth, the hours of work, and the thousands of stitches in this quilt. The quilters loved what they were doing and their joy in their skill just shines here.
The story that goes with it makes it even more special. How nice that the quilt was finally completed!
A quilt like this has a value that is far beyond money.

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My grandma had several quilts like this with a predominant pale green color and pastel prints. I think it was a popular pattern during the Depression. Do you know the name for this pattern? We referred to them as "cabbage quilts" and thought Peter Rabbit would hop around on the hexagon pathway between the cabbages.
I don't know, but I will e-mail Carolyn and ask her. I really like the pattern.
Collagemama, Carolyn says that the name of the pattern is "Grandma's Flower Garden," but her niece calls it "Aunt Neva's Flower Garden." Carolyn says that "Cabbage Patch" would also be a great name for it!
These kinds of quilts are so amazing to me - so intricate. I could never have the patience!
Stephanie, I'm so glad you came to visit. :) I agree with you about the quilt. I have done just enough quilting to really appreciate the amount of work that has gone into it.
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