All In The Family... Life in Christian County, KY...
March has arrived with a bang across the central U.S. It "came in like a lion," as the saying goes. There have been blizzards in the northern states and terrible storms in the southern states. In Alabama and Georgia today, 18 people were killed in tornadoes and the news reports are saying that the death toll could still rise.
Isaac was home today with a fever and very sore throat. When we came out of the doctor's office, the sky looked ominous, and by the time we were finished at the drugstore, we had a severe thunderstorm warning for a storm moving directly toward us at 60 mph.
We drove through rain blusters just ahead of the storm all the way home, and when we got out of the car, I heard the approaching cloud roaring. I recognize and fear that sound, having heard it twice now when tornadoes occurred nearby. But if indeed there was a tornado in the cloud, it passed over without touching down. I am thankful that we were spared.

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