Blogs and Blogging...

Currently neither DSL nor cable is available to us since we live out in the sticks. Our best hope is Bell South. They have been running fiberoptic cables in some parts of the county (thus providing DSL access), so maybe they'll come out this way eventually.
I am thankful that we do have a good dial-up connection and can usually connect at 48K to 52K. I hear people complaining about connecting at 32K, 28K and even 14K. That really takes the joy out of web surfing.
If you read a bunch of blogs (and particularly if you have a slow internet connection), it is very helpful to set up a blog-reader that will let you know when the blogs on your list are updated. I use a blog-reader called Bloglines to keep track of the bloggers I enjoy. I have also tried the Google Reader but I like Bloglines better.
I started using Bloglines because I noticed on my visitor counter that Sarabeth was visiting here from her Bloglines account.
I encourage anyone who likes photos and/or art to visit the blogs I've included in my photoblog list in the sidebar. I've decided to give them their own blogroll. Of course there are thousands more photo and art blogs of merit, but these are the ones that I visit when they update.
Each one of the photo and art blogs on my little list is interesting to me for its own reasons, but I can't go into all that right now because I must attend to my real life!
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Have you heard of (or tried) What do you think of that service?
I would like browing through Flickr, I think, but my impression of that site is that most of those people upload high-res files that would be too slow to download on a 52K connection. It's obviously very popular.
I'm also not exactly into sharing my photos as you may recall. :D
Even on the photoblogs I follow, I don't open the full-size photo unless I really, really like the image. (Sorry, y'all. You know the truth now.)
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