Life in Christian County, Kentucky...
Many readers here know that an F-3 tornado hit the Hopkinsville, Kentucky area in early April. The twister (actually two twisters) left a path of damage 30 miles long. It passed through our part of the county about five miles north of us.
Today I saw a bit of the damage that was done to the trees along a road which runs through a remote rural area.
On the one hand, they're "just trees". On the other hand, many have suffered great damage. I know they don't have a brain and nerves to feel pain like animals and humans do, but somehow in their instincts of how to grow, they must sense that they've been hurt terribly.
Furthermore, they are (were) valuable property to the landowner who was probably planning to log them someday. Many are now virtually worthless, many will die from their wounds, and many more will never attain the size they might have.
These photos were taken on the Shiloh Church Road, just a mile or so north of Pilot Rock Road, in eastern Christian County, Kentucky. They don't really capture the scope of the damage at all. It is a sad thing to see so many broken, uprooted, and gravely leaning trees.

Technorati tags: tornado tornado damage trees Hopkinsville Hopkinsville, Kentucky
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