Yes, I'm whining.
Highs and lows predicted for Hopkinsville for the next five days:
Sat. 95° F | 74° F (Heat advisory, heat index 105° to 110° F.)
Mon. 95° F | 70° F
Tues. 95° F | 72° F
Weds. 94° F | 74° F
Source: Weather Underground for Hopkinsville, KY, 9:00 pm, June 19, 2010.
I hear you!! The heat is miserable here too, coupled with drenching rains for days that have flooded so many homes in the area. When it gets like this I wish I lived in Seattle!
I think the best thing to do in hot weather is to get a large glass of ice tea, and settle down with a good book...or craft project. :)
I agree with Stitchy! That's my plans for the weekend! I have 3 new books to read and a whole case of Dr. Pepper!
I think you girls have the right idea!
So far, it hasn't been as hot today as the forecast predicted. It's noon right now and still in the upper 80s. I am thankful.
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