Cleaning out and re-accumulating
Casper The Incorrigible had a good time, early this morning before anyone was out of bed. He found the bottom door of the china cabinet open, so he explored that forbidden compartment while he had a chance.
To get in there, he had to push aside a stack of assorted foam and paper plates and plastic cups and tip over several tall flower vases. Most of this ended up on the floor in front of the china cabinet.
Somehow, picking up Casper's spill of paper plates and vases morphed into cleaning the china cabinet top to bottom. I "Windexed" the glass shelves and "Pledged" the wood. Then I rinsed the "china" and dried it.
This sounds so simple when I write it, but it took quite a while. I decided to pack away a few things I don't use much, donate a few things to our upcoming church garage sale, and reorganize the rest of it.
In the process, I decided that I don't need much more
Anchor Hocking Early American Prescut (EAPC). I inherited my mother's 1960s glassware of this pattern, and I've collected it since then, thinking that I'll give each of my children a set when they set up a stable home. Thus I have two of many pieces -- or you might say,
too many pieces!
I packed up the dishes and some other stuff for the church garage sale, and Isaac and I went to town to run some errands. We dropped off the garage sale items at church, and I must say, I was feeling
quite virtuous about cleaning my china cabinet and getting rid of a whole box of clutter.
Then we went by the library and used the computers. When our time was up, Isaac went to look for some books. While waiting for him, I accidentally strayed into the magnetic field of the donated-books closet. I do have a terrible weakness for books, especially old books.
I only bought three, and they are in exceptionally nice condition -- well worth the $1.00 each I paid for them. They are:
- The Poems of Eugene Fields (with an ancient strip of paper marking the page with the poem, "A Valentine"
- Leaves of Grass (Carl Sandburg)
- The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson
And I suppose I should confess that I bought an old book at the library on Thursday of this week, also:
- American Notes by Rudyard Kipling
That's one box out, and four books in. Am I making progress in the ongoing battle against too much stuff? Not really, but at least the china cabinet is nice and clean.