And What I Think About It...
![On bathroom scales](
If only it were true that my weight is low! It's the battery that's low, of course. The poor thing simply couldn't endure any more.
I've been doing a modified version of the South Beach diet. Lean protein and tomato juice for breakfast. Fat-free yoghurt for lunch. Large salad for supper.
No sweets at all.
On the bright side, I have lost a few pounds.
I have to lose at least five more pounds, preferably more, before going to the doctor in a few weeks or he will chew me out! Unfortunately, I'm still carrying around the excesses of the Thanksgiving-Christmas holidays.
Technorati tags: diet losing weight overweight
My mom came up to see me this past weekend. I showed her your website. She thinks you have a great sense of humor and hopes to run into you some day around town. We appreciated the links to the weather website that showed the tornado hovering over Hopkinsville. I thank God that my family in Hopkinsville was left unharmed! We will never know how many times our Heavenly Father has kept us from danger, I suppose. That storm (not the one in this article) was so ominous. It looked like two evil eyes peering from the sky. How comforting to know that even in the most dangerous of times, God is always in control.
Oops... I meant to post on the one about the storm!! Sorry!
I am surprised that I don't seem to have picked up any regular Hopkinsville readers yet. They pass through, but they don't come back. I guess they already know most of this non-news I write about. They don't get on the internet to read about Hopkinsville! :)
Right after the tornado my blog was coming up as one of the top results for a web search for "Hopkinsville tornado" or similar. A news search wouldn't have even included my blog, but an amazing number of people came here from web searches for news about Hopkinsville.
I thought about people who used to live here trying to find some information, and I decided to try to help point them to some interesting links and information. I'm so glad they were helpful to you.
We were very fortunate in Christian County to lose no lives in an F-3 tornado. My family and many others came through the storm safely with no damage, but others suffered great loss from it. The weather plays no favorites! I take comfort in the knowledge that no matter what natural events befall me, even death, I will never be separated from the love of God (Romans 8:31-39).
Yes, my comments weren't as thoughtful as they should have been. I hope that those who suffered loss in the storm can find peace in leaning on God as they recover. Sometimes when we rejoice over our blessings, we forget to mourn with those who have suffered. I am thankful that my family is safe, but I pray for those who were affected by the storm. We never know when God may allow us to go through something very traumatic. He loves us very much, regardless of the circumstances and heartaches we endure in this life. My heart goes out to those families.
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