All In The Family... And What I Think About It...
![Books stacked high!](
Lab for Organic Chemistry I
Organic Chemistry II
Physics II Light, Sound & Waves
Physics II Lab
Advanced Bio-Chemistry
Intro to Complex Variable Analysis (aka Calculus 5)
At her age, I might have been able to handle all that, but now, just thinking about it makes my head hurt!
No, I must be honest! I wouldn't have been able to handle those classes because I didn't take the math and science in high school that Keely did.
My high school didn't even offer some of the math and science classes that Keely took in high school, and I wasn't urged to take all of the classes that were offered. I was quite unprepared for college work in math and science.
Keely will have a Biology major and Chemistry and Math minors when she graduates. Or, she may make the Chemistry a second major instead of a second minor because she will only need two more classes.
She will be finished either in May of 2007 or in December of 2007, depending on what she decides about the Chemistry major. From there, she hopes to go to med school.
All i can say is WOW i don't think i could handle all that either.
After reading all that, I think I'm going to take a nap. My brain may actually explode. lol
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