Blogs and Blogging...
I am asking a rhetorical and rather silly question about my blog in the headline. If you thought I was inquiring about your future, I apologize. But if you desire fame, I hope you will indeed see your name in lights someday -- or even see your picture on the cover of the Rolling Stone!
I feel somewhat heartened about my blog after reading David Sifry's latest "State of the Blogosphere" report. He reports that Technorati currently tracks 50 million blogs.
That makes Prairie Bluestem's current ranking of 159,297 sound a little better. Wow, this blog outranks 99.6% of the 50 million. Amazing!
Merely another 159,200 places and Prairie Bluestem will be in the much envied Technorati Top 100. (Ha!)
I don't know why Technorati has picked up the link here from Neurotic Mom's blog so many times, but I appreciate it, Mom. Those links alone have probably moved this blog up a hundred thousand places or more.
![*just kidding*](
According to Truth Laid Bear, Prairie Bluestem has made it up to Multicellular Microorganism status.
In all seriousness, thank you to all who read this blog. Some of you visit regularly and I appreciate that very much.
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Later on the day that I posted this, the hit counter rolled over 10,000 -- a milestone for the Prairie Bluestem blog.
Technorati tags:
Can you imagine the pressure of the top bloggers to blog something interesting every day? What happens if Michelle Malkin or John Aravosis wakes up feeling really crappy? What if they don't want to have a rant that day?
No, I'll take the personal blog any day over the big ones.
I wouldn't want to have that kind of daily stress about my blog -- but mine is a hobby, not a profession.
I notice that nowadays, you have a blog and then you write books. Or you write a book and then get a blog. The blog helps build your name recognition and following. The book might even say the same things that the blog does, but it's organized, condensed, and highly portable, unlike the blog.
LOL i think it's all the comments i leave on your blog? I dropped TTLB because it wasn't showing any links where on Tech i have a ton of links.
Your blog is always interesting, you've done such a great job with it.
The links in The Truth Laid Bear(TTLB) are just bizarre. I think maybe they only report links to & from people who are registered there????? The whole ecosystem idea is cute, but it's not very accurate.
Congratulations on your 10,000th visitor! Was it me? Do I get a prize if it was? :)
Your books-vs-blogs comment reminded me of this article about some guy's 'book on a stick' idea.
Thanks, Phil. The book on a stick is very interesting. You can't copy and paste from it -- that sounds like the Google book search images.
I read an interesting article about blogging while writing a book. M.J. Rose says that it's very difficult to run a good blog and write a book simultaneously. And I believe it.
I agree. With over 50 million competitors, running a professional blog would be hard enough without the extra burden of trying to write a book! Like it says in that article, "For a blog to be successful it has to have passion, voice, commitment, creativity. It takes a lot for the writer to bring fresh ideas to a blog on a continuing basis."
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