All In The Family...
I told Keely to skip the candles!
Please let me tell you about my birthday.
This morning I took Isaac to help the Boy Scouts pick up trash along one of the highways. While I was waiting, I had an interesting conversation with a parent who is campaigning to be county coroner. He tries to be present at a lot of community events, yet hates to be pushy about campaigning. He's a decent sort, and I hope he'll be elected.
Afterwards, we helped the Night Friends of the Library get ready for their annual used book sale. The booksale will be next Friday night and Saturday.
They have boxes of books that have to be sorted into categories such as history, children's, nature , fiction, mystery and so on. Some of the books are donated and some are discards from the library.
They want us to to help again a few nights after school next week as more books will be coming from somewhere. Isaac enjoys helping. Today, he found and bought three Dave Barry books.
When we got home, I felt a deep desire to take a long nap, so I did. In fact I took two naps. Between naps, a neighbor lady stopped by with birthday flowers and I talked to a couple of relatives who telephoned to say happy birthday.
Later, Keely and her boyfriend, Taurus, arrived from Murray and prepared supper -- baked pork chops, green beans, and a nice potato salad with blue cheese dressing. Afterwards, we had birthday cake (baked by Keely) and ice cream.
We had a nice visit and then they had to go back to Murray. Isaac and Dennis have gone to bed, and Skittles is curled up in the old wooden bowl where she can watch me type until she dozes off. It's been a pleasant day. I have a nice family.
Now I am officially 55, but tomorrow, I will be only one day older than I was today.
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The secret of staying young
is to live honestly, eat slowly
and just not think about your age.
- Lucille Ball
is to live honestly, eat slowly
and just not think about your age.
- Lucille Ball
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Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, Genevieve - I'm glad you had such a nice sounding b-day =) Hope the year ahead is full of many blessings for you and your family.
Well happy birthday, dahling! I shall be 44 this Friday myself! Maybe I'll cruise up to Hopkinsville and hit that book sale! If y'all were closer, I'd come help out, too, just to get a jump on all those books I lust after but don't need yet still will buy!
Thanks, y'all.
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